Bath-obsessed, famous pop singer Prints filled-in for The Man on his diary page on a number of occasions in Digi's early years. As one of The Man's celebrity friends, he enjoyed extended outings in both the summers of 1994 and 1995, and made a few other appearances besides. The "purple-headed" pixie of "pop" came complete with unpronounceable name-symbol and acrimonious record company disputes, and would inform readers of the latest goings-on in his world. Prints was especially vocal about his love of baths, and the fancy and exotic new examples he was enjoying - in fact, they were even brought on stage with him.
The life of Prints was a glamorous one, but it wasn't without its challenges - despite a bravura performance at Bath Aid ("All the world's a bath, and we like it!"), he struggled to record new material, vicious rumours stymied his attempts to form a new backing band, and he was fraught with constant battles against tabloid gossip and the paparazzi.
It was quite a sign of some times!
Do you know of any important moments from the annals of Digi history that have been omitted? If so, then mail me (superpage58@gmail.com) right now, man. Credit will be duly given for anything that gets put up.