The Rapping Shoe was one popular guy at Digi, sporting ker-ayzee raps. He was real popular with The Snakes, laying down the sort of groove that they're into. Originally debuting in October 1997, but not a regular fixture until mid-'98, he never disappointed with his great raps about life being a gangsta shoe. See them now: here are a few of them, dear...
- I'm the Rapping Shoe,
- And I'm watching you,
- I want you to be in my,
- Rapping Shoe Crew
- I'm the Rapping Shoe,
- And I'm on the street,
- You don't wear me on your head,
- You wear me on your feet
- I'm the Rapping Shoe,
Freeman Hardy and Willis,
Dolcis, Saxone and,
Shoe Express are brillis!
- I'm the Rapping Shoe,
I'm a leather dunce,
I don't what I'm saying.
Flun chun clom clim chunce.
- I'm the Rapping Shoe,
- The shoe with style,
- I'm coming round your house,
- I'll be there in a while
- I'm the Rapping Shoe,
- And I live in a house,
- I've got cushioned in-soles,
- So I'm quiet as a mouse
- I'm the Rapping Shoe,
- And I can imagine you,
- Hanging on street corners,
- Or sitting on the loo
- I'm the Rapping Shoe,
- And I'm back in town,
- I'm running in the streets,
- In my nightgown
- I'm the Rapping Shoe,
- And you're a crazy fool,
- You live in a posh house,
- With its own swimming pool
- I'm the Rapping Shoe,
- You wear me on your feet,
- You can wear me on a train,
- Or wear me in the street
- Don't diss the shoe,
- 'cause he's one cool dude,
- He's got a floppy old tongue,
- But it don't make him rude
- It's Rapping Shoe time,
- And I'm feeling fine,
- I got my laces done tight,
- And I'm covered in brine
- I'm the Rapping Shoe,
- And I'm a size ten fit,
- Not everyone will like me,
- But I'm sure to be a hit
- I'm the Rapping Shoe,
- A mmm-bop a-doodle-oodle,
- Mmm-cha-mm-cha,
- A mmm-bop a-doodle-oodle
- I'm the Rapping Shoe,
- I've got a platform heel,
- I got metal toe-caps,
- You wanna feel the steel?
- I'm the Rapping Shoe,
- And I ain't got a clue,
- If I can't find any toast,
- I eat a pot of glue
- I'm the Rapping Shoe,
- Do you like my laces?
- They 100% cotton,
- Like a pair of red braces
- I'm the Rapping Shoe,
- I'm married to a sandal,
- All the other shoes in the shop,
- Said it was a scandal
- I'm the Rapping Shoe,
- But I used to be a cow,
- See, I'm made of leather,
- They chopped a cow - wow!
- I'm the Rapping Shoe,
- A steel toe-capped king,
- I'll stomp up and down,
- while I'm doing my thing
- I'm the Rapping Shoe,
- Bought at Shoe Express,
- I wasn't bought at Saxone,
- Or made by Rudolph Hess
- I'm the Rapping Shoe,
- Someone left me in a skip,
- It wasn't much fun,
- In fact it made me sick
- I'm the Rapping Shoe,
- I'm not a hat or a scarf,
- Please wear me in a field,
- But don't wear me in the bath
- I'm the Rapping Shoe,
- A footwear Daddy Cool,
- I live in a box,
- Please don't cover me with glue
- I'm the Rapping Shoe,
- I'm a bit of a geezer,
- I'll do whatever you want,
- Whatever it takes to please ya
- I'm the Rapping Shoe,
- And I've a story to tell,
- Since my wife left me,
- My life's been hell
- I'm the Rapping Shoe,
- My wife left me for a slipper,
- His name is Alan Brent,
- And he's a male shoe stripper
- I'm the Rapping Shoe,
- And I'm gonna take a life,
- I'm gonna wreak revenge,
- On the man who stole my wife
- I'm the Rapping Shoe,
- And I welcome you,
- To my totally radical,
- Rapping Shoe Revue
- I'm the Rapping Shoe,
- Held together with glue,
- It binds my sole to my upper,
- And my heel to dog poo
- I'm the Rapping Shoe,
- So how do you do?
- I'm so pleased to meet,
- Both you and you and you
- I'm the Rapping Shoe,
- Do you like what I do?
- I sing the rap songs,
- That I write just for you
- I'm the Rapping Shoe,
- Coloured red not blue,
- If you ever call me green,
- I'll threaten to sue
- I'm the Rapping Shoe,
- Goo goo g'joob,
- They are the eggmen,
- I am the walrus
- I'm The Rapping Shoe,
- On the streets like a rogue,
- I'm takin' on flip-flops,
- And knockin' down brogues
- I'm The Rapping Shoe,
- I'm good at running races,
- I've a fluid-filled sole,
- And a pair of high-tech laces
- I'm The Rapping Shoe,
- You listen when I shoot,
- I'm high quality footwear,
- Not some smelly rotting boot
- I'm The Rapping Shoe,
- And I've run out of raps,
- Blah-blah-blah,
- De-da-de-da-de-dah
- I'm the Rapping Shoe,
- And my name is Mikey,
- I got a nephew who's a sports shoe,
- And he's made by Nike
- I'm the Rapping Shoe,
- And I live in a cobbler's
- At Christmas I eat turkeys,
- Also known as 'gobblers'
- I'm the Rapping Shoe,
- I ain't no small-time simp,
- I'm checking in with style,
- And I ain't no stinking plimp'(sole)
- I'm the Rapping Shoe,
- And you know I make sense,
- When I say surround your house,
- With a six foot high fence
- I'm The Rapping Shoe,
- And I'm security conscious,
- I'm the master of protection,
- Does that make sound pompous?
- I'm the Rapping Shoe,
- Head of Neighbourhood Watch,
- I may be a size six,
- But I can damage your crotch
- I'm the Rapping Shoe,
- I joined the Watch in '92,
- I did it 'cause I want,
- To watch out for you and you
- I'm the Rapping Shoe,
- I got a sole and some laces,
- Cuss my toe cap,
- And I'll kick you in the faces
- I'm the Rapping Shoe,
- And I've got laces on my face,
- Please don't tug them too tight,
- Or I'll have to wear a brace
- I'm the Rapping Shoe,
- I'm the Christmas shoe for you,
- Fill me up with gifts,
- But don't fill me up with poo
- I'm the Rapping Shoe,
- I'm a leather-bound poet,
- My favourite era of time,
- Is the upper Mesozoic
- I'm the Rapping Shoe,
- I always stay in fashion,
- Your letter was too long,
- So I hate you with a passion
- I'm The Rapping Shoe,
I've got a slipper for a dad,
He just got mistaken for a slapper and is feeling slightly sad,
Yo! Yo yo yo! One time! Check that out!

There they were, then, The Rapping Shoe is one great guy! You can leave now, or go to this place: the character place to find out more about him.