The Man With A Long Chin's Diary




11 September 1993 - CHINNYGATE

On the following pages we print the full, shocking transcript of an alleged telephone between telly favourite, The Man With A Long Chin, and Dad's Army.

Chinnygate - The Man With A Long Chin's sordid phone call with Dad's Army

As you can see from our photo, his minders are keen to prevent unwanted publicity.

This conversation was allegedly recorded on August 6 1434 BC, by the Charge Of The Light Brigade.

Man: So you knew nothing of the (EXPLETIVE DELETED) boy's club?

Dad's Army: I told you that already.


DA: Me?

M: Yes you, and Roy Wood's Wizzard.

Dad's Army: Anyway, if you're going to act like that, then you've got to consider the children.

Man: Children? What children?

DA: Just take the children into consideration, will you?

M: What children? (EXPLETIVE DELETED).

DA: Ssssssssss.

M: Stop that. You're making me feel all giddy. Giddy.

Dad's Army: The children were talking the other day, I think they've started to suspect (PAUSE) the burglars.

Man: Have they? I'm spinning, now.

DA: Be careful. You might spin a little too fast, and fall over.

M: I won't fall over. I won't tumble.


DA: Owl said that.

Man: Owl? Is the owl there with you?

DA: Owl isn't in the room, he's in the tongue-room. I can hear him shouting even from here.

Man: Here? Where are you? I thought you were in the tongue-room.

DA: No, no. I'm out on the roof. Owl has been burning cork, and you know how that affects me. I'm hiding.

Man: Wouldn't it be simpler to douse the cork with old-fash' lemonade?


DA: What is it? What's wrong, Huss?

Man: I thought I saw a badger. A badger on the frame.

DA: I thought you'd got rid of that frame. That your badger-frame-oh days were behind you.

Man: No, I keep the frame around. It's worth a lot of money. I placed a toy on it the other day. Near it.

DA: What sort of toy was it?

Man: Well, I'd stapled my old "Stretch" Armstrong figure to my Tin Pan Alley. It looked really nice.

DA: You shouldn't be playing with toys.

Man: I was talking to "Kelly" the other day. He's got a new disease.

DA: Where's he keeping this one?

Man: In a small, hollow Cuban heel.

DA: Did you see Eastenders last night?

Man: Yes. I loved it when Arthur began twirling. He really stretched his arms out a long way for that.

DA: Yeah. What about the bit when Ian Beale shook that pear tree to see if there was a partridge in it?

Man: And Ringo Starr fell out! Smart.

DA: How's Duncan? Still... (PAUSE)

Man: ...Growing. Pasting. Feasting.

Man: Anyway, I'm going to have to go now. Chapman is coming.

DA: Really? How did you manage that?


DA: Hang on - there's some crow up here with a tape recorder.

Man: Oh no. A crow. Oh no!



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