Digitiser Reviews Archive


Twisted Metal - PlayStation, 2/2/96


Digitiser, Teletext - 1996

Digitiser, Teletext - 1996

Twisted Metal - PlayStation

This expands on the Destruction Derby smash-car concept. It sits on the racing aspects, adds guns and offers many unique vehicles. Yes, even an ice cream van and a bike.

It's good fun for a while, though a few more combat arenas would have been nice and a few more decals on the graphics wouldn't have gone amiss.

The vast array of vehicles just about stopped us from grasping a ralst.

Twisted Metal - PlayStation - by Sony

Players: 1-2
Graphix: 75%
Sonix: 70%
Gameplay: 78%
Lifespan: 72%
Originality: 65%
Uppers: It's good to smash stuff up
Downers: A little basic
Overall: 77% - Blistered kettle

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