The Man With A Long Chin's Diary


Down In Dumps/Being A Loser


4 April 1994 - DOWN IN DUMPS

Jusht becaush I losht theshe dishco compe.. compe..competishun, don't meeen I'm a loosher. Nooo. I'm shtandin' here. I'm shtill SHTANDIN'.

Your my besht freind, you are. I really love you I do.

I wanna kebab.

5 April 1994 - BEING A LOSER

I... I'm not druunnk. I've onnly had a fuu and I'm not even "shlap-cheek" yet.

Come on mate, givvus a coupla pensh forra cuppa coffee.

Naw. Ish notta can of "Super". ISH NOT! Izza canna Coke. Ahh, you're a gennleman.

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