Digitiser Reviews Archive


Wing Arms - Saturn, 27/2/96


Here is our latest joke: "Here comes old Wing Arms, again!"

It isn't a joke with a punchline, it is a new sort of joke: the kind of joke that is a pithy comment.

In this case it refers to the title of the game Wing Arms, and the humorous possibility that someone with the nickname "Wing Arms" is approaching.

Wing Arms is a shoot 'em up.

Wing Arms offers you the choice of several WW2-style aircraft, though they're armed with anachronistic missiles and whistlers.

Aircraft chosen, you have to fly around and shoot other aircraft - sometimes really big ones!

It isn't awful, and the graphics improve as the game progresses, but we started to get annoyed because the enemy targets moved about so much.

A small game from Sega's big gob.

Wing Arms - Saturn - by Sega

Players: 1
Graphix: 76%
Sonix: 67%
Gameplay: 75%
Lifespan: 69%
Originality: 19%
Uppers: Mildly engaging
Downers: Looks like a SNES game
Overall: 73% - Hello, Wing Arms!

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