The Incredible Hulk
19 January 1998 - THE INCREDIBLE HULK
I've kicked my shaving foam habit and now have a new job as The Incredible Hulk. I don't know why, but whenever I get sad I turn into a seven-foot fatman with green skin, and powdery hair.
Whenever this happens my trousers split apart and fall off, so I've decided to go on the run in a pair of stretchy tights. Last night, in human form, I found myself in a small hotel. Unfortunately, I got upset in bed, turned into the Hulk, and fell out!
20 January 1998 - THE INCREDIBLE HULK
I went to get a hamburger at Wimpy last night, but as I was standing at the front of the queue trying to decide what I wanted, someone near the back shouted "Hurry up".
This was so upsetting that I turned into The Hulk. Everyone in the shop started laughing, so I leapt over the counter and tried to run out the back. Unfortunately, the rear exit was blocked with crates of baps and I found myself trapped. I tried hiding behind a fryer, but the manager just told me to get out.
21 January 1998 - THE INCREDIBLE HULK
I've decided to walk around covered in a duvet. This way if I accidentally turn into The Hulk, no one will notice. At least, that's the theory.
Last night it didn't work so well. I was wandering through Chinatown when a tourist got scared because he thought I was a ghost. He started leaping up and down, pointing and shouting: "Le Jacques du Ghost! Le Jacques du Ghost!" Suddenly, the police were everywhere, and they tried to put me in a big bag. Luckily, I escaped by running away.
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