The Man With A Long Chin's Diary


In Hospital


16 August 1994 - IN HOSPITAL

As you can see, I am feeling better. This much better: eight times.

A doctor came in last night and covered me with a rough salmon poultice. After it had hardened, the doc-oh split my fishy cocoon apart with his hairy fists.

18 August 1994 - IN HOSPITAL

I reported my awful findings to Bildaros, the Norse god of friction.

He says the hospital I'm staying at could do a bit better. For instance, they should have someone called Mr Beebee to blow on the doctors' overalls.

19 August 1994 - IN HOSPITAL

I've still got my white coat on, so I must be in hospital.

I can't remember what happened last night - but just take a look at my eyes! They're like two bibs on a pontoon! Perhaps it's best if you don't look at me now.

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