FIRST ASTRONAUT: Gosh! How awful that we crashed on this distant planet.

ANOTHER ASTRONAUT: Yes. But look - there's a budgie! Perhaps it's not such an alien planet after all.

BUDGIE: Puny humans! Why aren't you in your cages?

FIRST ASTRONAUT: I... I'm sorry?

BUDGIE: Silence! Take this!

FIRST ASTRONAUT: Ack! Budgie... choking me to... death with... cuttlefish!


FIRST ASTRONAUT: Heavens... this is such a terrible situation.

ANOTHER ASTRONAUT: Yes. We appear to have crash-landed on a planet ruled by talking budgies.

BUDGIE: Silence, human scum.


BUDGIE: Shut up! I said SHUT UP! Keep quiet or I'll be forced to do... THIS!

FIRST ASTRONAUT: Ow! Oww! He's pecking my fingers with his little beak!


ASTRONAUT: Excuse me, Mr Budgie. Do you think you might be so kind as to let me go free?

BUDGIE: Negative! You are to be tried for crimes against budgies.

ASTRONAUT: Eh?! What am I supposed to have done?

BUDGIE: You broke the little mirror and the bell in our emperor's cage. And then you soiled the newspaper on the floor of his throne room.

ASTRONAUT: Oh yes. Now I remember!

Do you know of any important moments from the annals of Digi history that have been omitted? If so, then mail me (superpage58@gmail.com) right now, man. Credit will be duly given for anything that gets put up.

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